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Tag Archives: religion

The Secret Terrorists

  Not really a pamphlet, but rather a 151 page booklet outlining a Jesuit conspiracy to destroy America. Other conspiracy theorist have blamed “the Jews” or “the Muslims” for the World Trade Center attacks, but this tract blames the Catholics. It also blames the Catholic Church for the assassination of Presidents Abraham Lincoln, John F. […]

Please do not go to Hell

A polite message from Fellowship Tract League of Lebanon, Ohio. Online version here.

The New Athiests – refuted by Jews for Jesus

Pamphlet from Jews for Jesus arguing against the “New Atheists” (Dawkins, Harris, Hitchens) with quotes from the Bible.

The Bible, on Divorce

Handed out in Atlantic-Pacific subway stop in Brooklyn. An essay arguing that the Bible does not forbid divorce.

Please do not wait till it is too late because Jesus is coming very soon.

Submitted by Taylor Bradley.

Organized Religion Is Corrupt

This woman was holding signs outside of the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, MN, so I thought at first it might be performance art. Other signs she held read “Higher education is corporate driven” and “Atheism → Anarchy → Tyranny”. She handed me the following leaflet: