Flyer from describing the 12 Tribes of Israel. 8-12 JUDAH……………..Sephardim, Ibo, Mandingo 7 3,4 REUBEN…………………….Australian Aborigines 6 5-7 SIMEO……………….Yoruba, Fulani, Congo 26-28 5-7 LEVI…………………Bantu, Ashanti, Maroons 8-11 16-18 DAN…………Cambodia, Black Irish, Angola 22 21 NAPTHALI……………..Polynesia, Micronesians 23 19 GAD………………..Ainu, N. American Indians 20,21 20 ASHER…………..Melanesia, South America 24,25 14,15 ISSACHAR……….Centr. America, Mexico 18,19 13 […]
Not really a pamphlet, but rather a 151 page booklet outlining a Jesuit conspiracy to destroy America. Other conspiracy theorist have blamed “the Jews” or “the Muslims” for the World Trade Center attacks, but this tract blames the Catholics. It also blames the Catholic Church for the assassination of Presidents Abraham Lincoln, John F. […]
A polite message from Fellowship Tract League of Lebanon, Ohio. Online version here.
Pamphlet from Jews for Jesus arguing against the “New Atheists” (Dawkins, Harris, Hitchens) with quotes from the Bible.
Handed out in Atlantic-Pacific subway stop in Brooklyn. An essay arguing that the Bible does not forbid divorce.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Submitted by Taylor Bradley.
Handed to me in Times Square subway station. Two women were handing out these pamphlets. Back of the pamphlet lists the publisher as Family Radio based in Oakland, California. Online versions of these pamphlets can be found here. And here I thought the world was going to end December 21, 2012!
This woman was holding signs outside of the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, MN, so I thought at first it might be performance art. Other signs she held read “Higher education is corporate driven” and “Atheism → Anarchy → Tyranny”. She handed me the following leaflet:
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Religious tract from Barry I. Hyman of the Christian Revolutionary Brotherhood. Text explains how Christ’s teachings promote “miscegenation”. One of the essays appears on religious science forums.
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