  1. lanzhou, dunhuang
  2. turpan
  3. hanas lake
  4. urumqi
  5. kashgar
  6. tashkurgan, karakul lake
  7. kashgar
  8. urumqi
  Turpan, Xinjiang
21 July—23 July 2005

One of the many grapevine trellises that line Turpan's streets.

Sebastian's sandals from Pakistan.

A young Uyghur boy.

The swimming pool at the Turpan Hotel.

The Emin minaret of the Sugong mosque, designed in a simple Afghani style in 1777.

A man selling raisins.

The ruins of Gaochang, the old Uyghur capital.

A donkey-cart driver at the ruins of Gaochang.

The bus to Urumqi.

En route to Urumqi is China's largest wind farm.

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