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Chinese Leave Guantánamo for Albanian Limbo

Chinese Leave Guantánamo for Albanian Limbo

The men, Muslims from western China’s Uighur ethnic minority, were freed from their confinement in Cuba after they were found to pose no threat to the United States. They have now lived for more than a year in a squalid government refugee center on the grubby outskirts of Tirana, guarded by armed policemen.

The men have been told that they will need to get work to move out of the center, they said, but that they must learn the Albanian language to get work permits. For now, they subsist on free meals heavy with macaroni and rice, and monthly stipends of about $67, which they spend mostly on brief telephone calls to their families. But some of the men have already lost hope of ever seeing their wives and children again.

Many American officials privately describe the Uighurs’ plight as one of the more troubling episodes of the Bush administration’s detention program. The case also provides a view of the remarkable difficulties Washington has encountered in trying to winnow the detainee population at Guantánamo in response to domestic and international criticism.

The refugees in Tirana seem to have little sense of how to influence the global chess game in which they have become involved. They spend most of their days behind the refugee center’s high, cinderblock walls, reading the Koran, studying Albanian and waiting for a turn on the center’s lone desktop computer. They avoid the gravelly soccer field because it reminds them of one they looked out on at Guantánamo.


Can they not just...send them home to China? Wtf? Why Albania? The whole thing is ludicrous.
K Slim, they don't want to go back to China. they're afraid that the Chinese government will torture and execute them as seditionists.

In a Kafkaesque twist, even though most of the Uyghurs have been cleared of any wrongdoing, the U.S. government can't send them to China because the U.S. doesn't want to send them to any country which practices torture. So bizarrely enough they have to remain in Cuba.

Oddly enough, Albania was once China's only Maoist ally in Europe.

more on wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uyghur_captives_in_Guantanamo

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