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April 14, 2008



connected all the boards together, powered up and tested using my mobile phone. seems very sensitive! perhaps too much so. its a bit hard to tell without the acrylic. it seems like signals from one board start to affect other boards nearby and in the same row. also the board receiving the power seems to lit up more.

currently building the table frame out of aluminum. needs to be reinforced. with luck will be done with construction this week!

April 08, 2008

standard tables

Most tables designed for writing or dining should be 28" to 30" high (29" is common) with chair seats 11" to 13" lower. The higher the tabletop, the more uncomfortable and formal the table feels. Provide about 24" of leg room below the table (height from floor to bottom of table rail) and at least 12" for knee clearance (projection of table top beyond table leg).

on three of the boards, there was a problem: the bottom right coil seemed to be very insensitive. I think there was a cold connection with GND. i think while soldering I burnt the connection. I was able to correct one of them. I will see how to fix the other two tomorrow.

April 06, 2008

boards finished, green acid

I finished soldering all 15 circuit boards. before the boards arrived i also etched a tiny circuit to regulate to 5V. the indomitable Tom Jenkins is a chemistry wiz and whipped up some cupic chloride. it is fizzy green like some kind of green apple soda. it worked great, but you have to mix it fresh, is what we learned the hard way.

now to start building the table!

April 03, 2008



Table for Electronic Dreams

Electroceptive Surface

Platypus Table

Hertzian Dreams

Electronic Dream Table



Table for Electronic Dreams reveals the invisible workings of electronic devices and the limits of human perception.


April 3 - electronics finished, circuit boards soldered

April 10 - build table. final TITLE, URL, DESCRIPTION

April 17 - playtest, documentation.

April 24 - final draft of paper.

May 1 - paper due

May 8 - thesis presentation